Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Somewhere Over....

....the bridge, lies some crabbing tongs. Yes, we went crabbing today. I think they were blue crabs. They were kinda pretty. I learned how professional trappers do it, and how we did it. You just have these small wire basket things that you tie bait to. They really like turkey. So we just waited a few mintues and we were already catching crabs. They're smart and stupid at the same time. You have to pull it up fast or they feel the movement and make a run for it. Haha. But at the same time, if you let the crab go, they're stupid enough to get caught again, and again, and again. So, you have to grab them with these tongs. They don't really like that. Haha. They fight back. They hold up their claws and try to pinch the clampy things. It's kinda funny. But I just couldn't grab the little things with them staring at me! So I didn't so that, but I did hold the tongs with the crab in it. It was.... kinda freaky. haha. I got pitchurrresss! :P Anyways, we didn't keep our crabs, so I go to toss it back in the water, but it hangs onto the tongs. I kinda tossed it, so he sorta flew up, and it scared the living daylights outta me. I screamed, threw the crab AND the tongs into the ocean, and ran away. It was extremely hilarious, but we were borrowing the equipment from a family friend. I felt reallyyy bad. But those things are cheap, so we bought them some more.

Overall, it was a fun experience. We let some of them go on the bridge and watched them run around till they got to the edge and fell off. I learned the difference between a male and female crab. That was cool. We spent time together as a family. And, I got further along with my tan! :D I'm really loving this vacation. I hope to come back soon. Maybe when I can drive. That'd bring along so many more adventures. My Aunt and Uncle from Florida are driving up tomorrow, and they're bringing my two 2nd cousins, Grant and Jenna. Grant's 4, Jenna's 2, they have another one, Jacob, a few months, and I've never seen them before. I saw Jacob a few months ago, but I've never seen the others in person. I'm excited. They're staying till Friday around dinner. It's not very long, but time is time. Sooo, yeah. Vacations are awesome! (:

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